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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Witty Wordsmiths 92

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”

~ Dr. Seuss

You will probably continue to see quotations from this literary and silver-tongued genius on this blog because Dr. Seuss is pure magic. He destroys the rules of grammar and then laughs at the ashes, but what remains are brilliant and poignant stories and gems of pure wonder. I've often thought about trying to collect every Dr. Seuss book, but every time I go to look at his library of titles it seems to grow because they are still publishing his work from old drafts and rewrites because an imperfect Dr. Seuss manuscript is still pure gold. Also, his books cost roughly ten to twenty dollars each and if you do the math that's a hefty combined price tag. I probably will, one day, venture to begin my collection, but right now I'll have to settle with a copy of the book which started my love affair with reading, the book I read when I was learning to read: Green Eggs And Ham.

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