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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Already Read It! : A "Novel" Game 30

Can you guess the title and author of the novel depicted in the picture?


CLUE : This female lead character sure had her secrets and rarely behaved as a "madame" is expected.


This novel, albeit mildly entertaining, must have been the origin for all the cliched plot catalysts of literature during this time. My most favorite, which when it occurs I must giggle each time, is when a character, whether from embarrassment, heartbreak, or guilt (or any other type of demoralizing aspect), suddenly falls ill with fever, or some other mysterious illness, and must lay in bed for weeks upon weeks while the author wraps up other storylines or sets up the future storyline. I understand people got sick while these novels were being written, but it always seemed to happen out of the blue, at a most convenient time for the character or the author, and simply because a love interest or an authority figure read a letter, was suspected dead, or publicly ridiculed the person falling ill. If you have ever read novels from this period, you must surely recognize my point...I just hope reading this little analysis does not bring on the fever for you.

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