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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Witty Wordsmiths 94

 “Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Illusions are what all humans, or any creature alive, survives on: the illusion of safety, the illusion of protection, the illusion of law, the illusion of love, the illusion of independence, and so on. I could write a thousand page book on just the illusion of independence alone, because if we truly and honestly study our lives, we must admit it to ourselves than none of us, not a single one, is truly independent; we depend on everyone around us for survival, following simple laws, the laws of driving, the laws of their professions, the unspoken laws of morality. Strikingly similar to how I can't stand the macho-toughness displayed in gangster movies (which is why I tend to shy away from these) because one simple, lonely bullet could bring any one of those men to their knees, we could walk out our doors, not a care in the world, and abruptly be forced to admit we must ask someone permission to remain living. Gruesome? Morbid? Yes, I admit it, but it is the most powerful example of how we all survive on illusions, and when someone tries to destroy these illusions, our minds fight back, rejecting the new information, even going as far as to discredit the person who is simply trying to make us see reality. It's a scary concept, but nonetheless, it is our reality.

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