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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Already Read It! : A "Novel" Game 34

Can you guess the title and author of the novel depicted in the picture?


CLUE : Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe these two socially opposite groups are not getting together to share a "soda pop".

The author of this novel was only seventeen-years-old when she began composing her most famous work, and only nineteen when it was published. Inspired by true events in her life, she felt the need to empathize with the perspective she chose to write the story from, and, after initially keeping her sex and gender secret by using initials instead of her full feminine name, she quickly became a household name.
     The trials female authors had to endure to share their visions with the world still bothers me to this day. This novel published in 1967, forty-seven years after women were graciously given the right to vote, women still felt the need to hide their sex and genders because the world was still (and in some places still is) blatantly ignorant. I know many other social groups have suffered similar prejudices, and I will not go into them here, but I wonder how many masterfully written and poignant pieces of literature we have lost, never published, never read, because women authors were afraid to let their voices be heard.

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