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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Witty Wordsmiths 97

“Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.”

Pablo Picasso

This quotation appears to be a paradox: how can something described as a lie lead us to truth? It seems in this situation two wrongs would make a right, and depending on who and what you're describing or participating in, some people would definitely label two wrongs a right, and I think that's what this quotation is implying.
     We have three sets of rules or laws governing our behavior in life: human nature, personal choice, and societal pressure. A truth in one of these settings can very well be a lie in another one of these settings and vice versa. Art tries to blur these sets of rules or laws and force the individual to challenge preconceived notions or beliefs, and this idea can be applied to any type of art. If you believe in universal truths, truths no matter in what context hold absolute and firm, than art could definitely supply these truths through any medium; however, the odd aspect of these ideas, if you don't believe in universal truths, is art is so open to interpretation (interpretation is one of the hallmarks of art), so any two individuals could easily walk away from observing the same piece of art (or reading the same book) witnessing two completely different truths.
     The idea of two completely different truths existing at the same time is more my cup of tea, because I only see the world in gray and there are too many variables to undeniably claim one truth is more truthful than another. I live my life in my own little world, where I choose my truths very carefully (researched, discussed, and contemplated), but I cannot expect others, outside of my world, to follow or accept my truths as their own. This is why I don't believe certain actions should be against the law or cause undue stress to anyone, but, once again, this is a subject for another post.

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