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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Already Read It! : A "Novel" Game 38

Can you guess the title and author of the novel depicted in the picture?


CLUE : The title of this one is simply described by the picture; you'd probably need a "crane" to dislodge yourself if you were unlucky enough to accidentally encounter this ominous substance.

     When this novel was assigned to me in college, I sighed (well, I did more than just sigh, but I try to keep this blog family friendly). Just another dramatic novel about racism and/or slavery and the plight of the black race in America to create heated and pointless class discussion (please do not judge me too harshly; I was young and still oblivious to the all-too-prominent problem still existing to this day in this country, because I was raised in a household and world of tolerance, acceptance, and diversity, so these types of stories bored me because I did not see the need for them). Pauline Hopkins' The Magazine Novels was also assigned along side of the above novel, and I have to say I was dreading the required reading required of me for this class, which was an odd feeling because I loved to read and still do till this day, obviously. But just as the last novel assigned for this class surprised, entertained, and enlightened me (The Conjure Man Dies), these two novels (actually four novels, since The Magazine Novels holds three) were pleasant disruptions in my usual tornado of stories and characters funneling through my mind. The writing itself was poetry, and I remember becoming enraged with what the main characters had to go through, had to overcome, just to live, even at my young age of twenty-two (yes, I remember how old I was when I read any book for the first time). 
     So, if you ever desire an abrupt turn to your reading habits, check these above novels out. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

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